Seeking IT consultants

CuReMa Consulting in Ratingen sucht IT-Berater

Seeking IT consultants

We, the CuReMa Consulting GmbH located in Ratingen near Dusseldorf, are seeking new employees to support our consulting area. We make our money through IT consultation in the areas of CRM, integration- and data-management as well as by developing and marketing software products.

Our company is based on the notions of openness and fairness towards the own employees and our customers. We value sustainability and quality more than turnover and profit. Our goal is not the optimisation of margins but to earn enough money through interesting and challenging tasks in order to fairly remunerate our staff and management.

We currently employ ten staff members and intend to hire three further employees by the end of 2016. We see no issue in hiring someone who may already be 40 or 50 years old. Extensive experience just takes time and that is what we expect in at least one of the following areas:

  • CRM products
    • Siebel CRM
    • Oracle CRM on demand
    • Oracle Sales Cloud
    • Sales Force
  • Data Management
    • Integration technologies
    • Data migrations
  • Big data technologies
    • Hadoop
    • SQL and/or NoSQL databases
    • Ab-Initio or comparable ETL products
  • Internet technologies
    • HTML5
    • JavaScript (JQuery/-UI/-Mobile)
    • C# (MVC)
    • VisualStudio
  • OO methods and design
  • planning methods and project management

Whoever applies and can provide the required experience can look forward to a salary ranging between 40,000 and 65,000 Euro. This is supplemented by invoiced hours as well as extra pay per company profit depending on an appropriate result at year’s end.

So if you are reading this and are frustrated at the fact that you have not yet acquired extensive experience but have already undertaken several activities in the IT field (be it simply in a garage)- you may gladly risk an entry into the IT field with us. Interesting projects await you at companies such as Bayer, RWE, Deutsche Bahn, VW and BMW. The requirements are a completed vocational training as a Computer Science Expert or a degree relating to these IT topics as well as the readiness for further training. The basic salary for this position lies between 30,000 – 35,000 Euro.
That’s it? Not quite: willingness to travel and communication skills in English and German, neither can be done without in our industry. Should that be a problem: better not to apply.

Have we peaked your curiosity? Interested?
We examine each application and will contact you, guaranteed!


Please send your application, preferably by email, to:

CuReMa Consulting GmbH
Frau Monika Bontempi
Papiermühlenweg 74
40882 Ratingen


Phone: 02102 / 16884-13


(12) Klicks

Computer Information System Assistant

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the focus of the political process to address Climate Change.
Article 4.1(a) of the Convention requires all Parties to develop, periodically update and publish national inventories greenhouse gases.  The Computer Information Systems Assistant works in a programme providing technical support to developing countries in submitting this information.
The Computer Information Systems Assistant is responsible for the overall database administration. S/he takes part in the development and testing of the national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories software for non-Annex I Parties, supports the coordination of actions undertaken in the framework of sub-regional projects, meetings and workshops related to the preparation or improvement of national GHG inventories.  In particular, the incumbent is responsible for the technical development and the data management of the TSDC sub-programme database system, and its evolvement, as well as gateway with systems developed by other programmes within the UNFCCC secretariat. 
To see the full vacancy announcement and apply for this position, please refer to VA 09/009/FTS on our website:

(547) Klicks